
AsCon Monographs

Border, Borderland and Citizenship

Border, Borderland and Citizenship

It is a present day cliche? to say that with liberalization and globalization borders are increasingly becoming obsolete 1 and today’s people are global citizens. Nothing can be farthest from truth which is testified by the developments in Trump’s America. Although nation as a concept is increasingly being critiqued, neither nations nor borders have become irrelevant and these seemed to is becoming more and more fortified. Borders mark the extremities of state power. Borders are sites and symbols of power. Borders are also the place where state is subverted; it is in the borders where greatest abuse of state power takes place.2 “A border have three elements: legal borderline which simultaneously separates and joins states, the physical structure of the state which exist to demarcate and protect the borderline, composed of peoples and institutions which often penetrated deeply into the territory of the state and frontiers, territorial zones of varying width which stretch across and away from borders within which people negotiate a variety of behaviours and meanings associated with their memberships in nations and states.”3